  • LA 4009EU
    A Two Part Adhesive For Bonding Vinyl Chloride And Urethane Coated Fabrics LA 4009EU has been formulated to be in comp
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  • LA 4009NOVOC
    A Two Part Adhesive For Bonding Vinyl Chloride And Urethane Coated Fabrics LA 4009NOVOC is a VOC free version of LA400
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  • UR 4980
    This adhesive has proven useful in the fabrication of inflated systems. It exhibits high initial bond strength and quickly cur
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  • UR 4980EU
    UR4980EU has been formulated to be in compliance with the European regulation “Reach” which prohibits the use of Toluene. This
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  • UR 4980M1
    UR4980M1 is an all Acetone version of UR4980 for use in the fabrication of Polyurethane or PVC inflated systems. It exhibits h
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  • LA 4123
    Royal Adheisves & Sealants,LLC Aerospace & Marine inflatable Adhesives & Coatings Division developed LA 4123 as a
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